The mission of St. Malachy is to enable our students to realize their spiritual, intellectual, social physical, and psychological potential. We strive to cultivate a life-long love toward our Catholic faith and learning.
New Philosophy
Saint Malachy School is dedicated to improving the lives of the community through the empowerment of our children. We offer hope and a positive faith centered identity. Saint Malachy is a safe haven that fosters and nourishes the love of God and the Church. We teach respect and love of self and family, while promoting an appreciation for the larger global communities. Moreover, we strive to cultivate a life-long love for learning. As educators we acknowledge and appreciate parents as the primary educators. As a faculty we ensure that our children reach their spiritual and academic potential. Our school climate encourages each individual student, parent, and educator to develop and nurture a system of Christian values, which enables the individual to respond to an ever-changing world, and to live as responsible contributor to the community.